Once the product is purchased from our store, the customer is immediately confirmed about the status of the order. Once the order is accepted and shipped from our warehouse, the customer is informed about the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) with tracking details of the consignment. We currently use world class shipping companies like BlueDart, DHL, UPS, FedEx to ship all our consignments.
Shipments shipped from our store are all covered under transit breakage / loss insurance, the customer need not to worry about transit loss of the product or any similar cases.
In in case the customer receives a faulty / damaged product, they are requested to inform our support immediately through an email or whatsapp at +91 9860480068.
If the customer wish to return the product back to us, they should ensure that the RMA conditions are being met. If the product is sent without informing our support in prior and not meeting the RMA conditions, we are afraid we would not be able to process any refunds.
In case of returns, the customer will have to arrange to deliver the consignment to our address. Once we receive the consignment, out technical department will test the product and accordingly would offer refunds. In case, if the product is genuinely found to be faulty, the shipping back charges paid by the customer will be credited back to them in the form of credit note. If the product is found to be working fine, no new replacement shall be issued, if required the same product will be sent to the customer.