We offer discounts to our loyal customers. Our discount works on a algorithm which works on formula of “the more you buy, the more discounts you would get”. Initially to gain mutual confidence we offer a special discount on our products. After that your login account is created on our system, and which helps in calculating the appropriate discounts on certain parameters like “How often do you buy from us?” “How many puchases have been done in past 180 days?” “What is the avg amount of the invoices being generated?”
Depending on this – our system works our the most suitable discounts for your account. If in any case you are not satisfied with the discounts mentioned – please get in connect with our support team to see if they can help you for certain projector lamp orders.
Below are the categories for which we currently offer discounts:
Cinema Owners
Since large volumes of our sales goes directly to Cinema Owners, we have some special exclusive discounts only for Cinema Theater Owners. If you have a business like this or something similar to it, hit the “Apply Now” button now.
These are our most important B2B customers, who do the installation of the projector lamps. Doesn’t matter wherever you are located we have a special discount for you. If you have a business like this or something similar to it hit “Apply Now”